Gluten-free cooking p.116
Serves 6-10 (depending on slice size)
Preparation / Cooking time: about 3h 30m all told (2h if using a pressure cooker)
This recipe comes from Michael Cox's Great Healthy Food: Gluten-Free (London: Carroll & Brown, 2000). It is delicious: soft and moist, with the strong orange flavour sitting very nicely alongside the subtler taste of almond. It is well worth the effort of the longish cooking time, though since the first two hours merely involve boiling the oranges, you aren't tethered to the kitchen for all that time.
Serves 6-10 (depending on slice size)
Preparation / Cooking time: about 3h 30m all told (2h if using a pressure cooker)
A word of warning: this is one of those recipes where it makes a big difference if you leave it in too long. Check it on the dot of 60m to see if it is done (or five minutes earlier if your oven tends to be too hot); it may need a bit extra, but if it is ready at this stage it should be taken out immediately.
Butter for greasing
2 large oranges
6 eggs, medium-sized, separated
250g caster sugar [use less if you don't have a sweet tooth]
225g ground almonds [or a tad more if you reduce the sugar]
Butter for greasing
2 large oranges
6 eggs, medium-sized, separated
250g caster sugar [use less if you don't have a sweet tooth]
225g ground almonds [or a tad more if you reduce the sugar]