SM 2002-05 p.52 [01.038.03]
Serves 2
Make this with anything over 50% chocolate—the Mammal generally goes for around 70%, but it's all a matter of taste. You can also experiment with flavours and added oopmh: chilli or cardamom chocolate, for instance, or orange-flavoured dark choc with a shot of Cointreau added at the end, or (this one works well) 75–85% with a shot of Bailey's.
110g (4oz) dark chocolate
340–400ml (12–14 fl oz) full-cream milk
Break the chocolate and put into a small basin resting on a saucepan of simmering water. Leave to melt without disturbing.
Bring the milk to the boil in a small saucepan. As it warms, pour a little into the chocolate, stirring. Once it has boiled, pour it into the chocolate, beating with a whisk to get a thick froth on top. Pour into 2 large cups.
© Sainsbury's Magazine
Aaarghhhh! ... no recipe! (Crawls off to die in corner of cocoa-deficiency syndrome...)