Please note that this is primarily an index for personal use and reference by the authors, and that most of the recipes listed are not given in full.

Real Hot Chocolate

SM 2002-05 p.52 [01.038.03]
Serves 2

Make this with anything over 50% chocolate—the Mammal generally goes for around 70%, but it's all a matter of taste. You can also experiment with flavours and added oopmh: chilli or cardamom chocolate, for instance, or orange-flavoured dark choc with a shot of Cointreau added at the end, or (this one works well) 75–85% with a shot of Bailey's.

110g (4oz) dark chocolate
340–400ml (12–14 fl oz) full-cream milk

Break the chocolate and put into a small basin resting on a saucepan of simmering water. Leave to melt without disturbing.

Bring the milk to the boil in a small saucepan. As it warms, pour a little into the chocolate, stirring. Once it has boiled, pour it into the chocolate, beating with a whisk to get a thick froth on top. Pour into 2 large cups.

© Sainsbury's Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Aaarghhhh! ... no recipe! (Crawls off to die in corner of cocoa-deficiency syndrome...)
