It's been a while since the last recipes were added; time to return to this mammoth task of indexing. However, the Mammal has decided to take a different tack so that the index is of more immediate use during its slow compilation.
The previous method was simply to start at the beginning and plough through the recipes in sequence, but that has meant that lots of things that don't particularly appeal or are not suited to the Mammal's circumstances are added while other recipes that it has, in fact, tried and liked have yet to appear. This means that instead of conveniently searching for these recipes via the blog, the poor beast has to continue to trawl through the whole range of cut-out pages and Sainsbury's Magazine tables of contents from scratch, which sort of defeats the purpose.
So from now on, the focus will be on prioritizing the Mammal's favourite recipes, or untried ones that it really likes the look of. Which means that other readers will be at the mercy of its idiosyncrasies: if you like light summery salads or sweet cakes and desserts, you will be less catered for in this phase, but if your taste runs to hearty stews and soups and fruit-based or dark chocolate desserts and cakes, you'll strike lucky more often.
And now that the Mammal's favourite food seasons of Autumn and Winter are coming round again, it is looking forward to putting its apron on and getting down to some real cooking ...